We offer reflective practice for individuals, groups and organisations. This may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions that run alongside your arts and wellbeing practice. This provides a space for you to reflect on your practice, including highlighting safeguarding concerns and the need to refer on to specialist services. It is also an opportunity to explore what may be being triggered for you in your practice, understanding your own unconscious processes and ways to manage challenging situations whilst processing the potential impact of trauma. Reflective Practice uses creative approaches and can also be a teaching and learning environment that supports your continued growth.

  • Clinical Supervision

    We offer Clinical Supervision for therapists and mental health practitioners who may want to integrate the arts and creative approaches into their work..

  • Organisations

    We offer reflective practice spaces to organisations for staff wellbeing, managing conflict, team building or creative exploration for new ideas and strategic planning. We particularly love the Open Space facilitation method. Open Space is a process that gives everyone involved an equal voice in shaping an idea, approach or strategy for their organisation. The process is extremely inclusive and thus ensures collective ownership of the outcomes/recommendations.

If you are interested in Reflective Practice or Clinical Supervision or an Open Space with Orange Collective please contact us to discuss.